「seem」正確用法是?跟 appear 用法差在哪? – 英文庫

您所在的位置:网站首页 seem to be和seem的区别 「seem」正確用法是?跟 appear 用法差在哪? – 英文庫

「seem」正確用法是?跟 appear 用法差在哪? – 英文庫

2024-05-06 13:44| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

哈囉大家好,歡迎來到英文庫,我是 Lois😁

seem 是個在英文口語裡很常用的字,而且常常和 look 以及 appear 相提並論。所以今天英文庫就要幫大家整理一下 seem 的正確用法,並且和 appear 做個比較,了解 seem 和 appear 的用法到底哪裡不一樣!

2Seem 的各種用法

Seem 是「看起來」或「似乎」的意思,既可以用來敘述客觀的事實,也可以表達主觀情緒、印象或感想。Seem 在文法中被歸類為「連綴動詞」 (linking verbs),後面可以接「形容詞」、 「不定詞」或「名詞子句」 。 以下我們先把 seem 的用法分類,一一說明:

1. Seem + 形容詞

She seems furious. 她看起來很生氣。

That handbag seems pretty expensive. 那個手提包看起來很貴。

Their future seems promising. 他們的未來看似充滿希望。

2. Seem to + 動詞

He doesn’t seem to care about his grades. 他似乎不在意自己的成績。

No one seemed to notice her odd behaviors. 似乎沒有人注意到她異常的行為。

My parents seem to like this holiday plan. 我爸媽似乎滿喜歡這個度假計畫。

3. Seem to have + p.p.



The house seems to have been trashed. 這個房子看起來似乎被搗毀過。

They seem to have rekindled the romance. 他們似乎舊情復燃了。

He seems to have lost his motivation. 他似乎失去了鬥志。

4. There seems to be + 名詞

There seems to be a mistake here. 這裡似乎出了一點差錯。

There seems to be some opportunities out there for you. 外頭似乎有一些機會等著你。

5. It seems like + 子句

It seems like the typhoon’s about to hit the country. 颱風似乎將侵襲這個國家。

It seems like we’re not going to make it to the party on time. 我們似乎趕不上準時到達派對。

It seems like they’re getting a divorce. 他們似乎要離婚了。

6. It seems as if/as though + 子句

It seems as if it were just a dream. 這似乎只是一場夢。

It seems as though they’re no longer a part of the team. 他們似乎已經不是隊上的一份子。

7. It seems that + 子句

It seems that you don’t care about how I feel at all. 你似乎一點都不在乎我的感受。

It seems that she’s having the baby soon. 她似乎快要生了。

It seems that everyone likes him. 每個人似乎都喜歡他。

Seem 跟 Appear 的比較

其實 seem 和 appear 在意思上是非常接近的,只有一點點細微的區別:Seem 可用來敘述客觀的事實,也可用來傳達主觀和情緒上的印象或感想;相較而言, appear 則是個更正式一點的字,並且通常只會被用來描述客觀的現象。

The weather here appears to be quite cold. =The weather here seems to be quite cold 這裡的天氣似乎很冷。

The boss appears to have made up his mind to fire a few people. =The boss seems to have made up his mind to fire a few people. 老闆似乎已經下定決心要裁掉幾個人。

There appears to be a serious conflict between different races in this country. =There seems to be a serious conflict between different races in this country. 這個國家裡不同的種族之間似乎存在著嚴重的衝突。

雖然 appear 和 seem 在意思上非常接近,但並不能完全互相替代。在文法上,appear 有一個 seem 沒有的限制 👉🏼 Appear 後面不能加 like/ as if/ as though 🚫

❌ It appears like you’re depressed. ⭕️ It seems like you’re depressed. 你似乎很憂鬱。

❌ It appears as if the war is over. ⭕️ It seems like the war is over. 戰爭似乎結束了。

❌ It appears as though they don’t recognize each other anymore. ⭕️ It seems as thought they don’t recognize each other anymore. 他們似乎認不出彼此了。

And that’s a wrap!

看完這篇文章,希望你更了解 seem 的用法,並且能夠區分 seem 和 appear 的差別囉!其實英文文法沒有那麼難,只要弄懂關鍵的幾個原則,所有的東西都彷彿變得清楚又簡單了,對不對?😎 下次再遇到任何學習英文的疑難雜症,歡迎再回到英文庫,我們的老師們都會持續更新更多好用的文章,幫助你們學習英文更順利、更有趣 😆 那我們下次見囉!See you soon 💖




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